Differential Equations and their Applications

An International Symposium

In honor of Jacques-Louis Lions' 70th birthday


Thursday, October 7


9:00 Opening remarks

9:45 Break

10:00 H.B. Keller "A rank theory of differential algebraic equations"

11:00 P. Kloucek "The formation and evolution of meso-scale microstructures"


12:00 Lunch

1:30 J.T. Oden "Hierarchical modeling of heterogeneous materials: a progress report"

2:30 M. Golubitsky "Oscillations in coupled system and animal gaits"

3:30 Break

4:00 M.F. Wheeler "Multiblock/motar spaces for multiphase flow in permeable media"

5:00 L. Johnsson "Fast spherical and Fourier transforms on parallel computers"

Friday, October 8


8:30 D.D. Joseph "Rayleigh-Taylor instability of drops suddenly exposed to an air stream at ultra high Webber numbers"

9:30 A. Friedman "Free boundary problems in Mathematical Biology"

10:30 Break

10:45 M. Heinkenschloss "Instantaneous control and iterative methods for parabolic optimal control problems"

11:45 D. Sorensen "Krylov subspace projection methods for model reduction"


12:45 Lunch

1:45 A. Vailas "Theoretical approach in determining whether stable collagen crosslinking impacts the mechanical properties of fibrils"

2:45 R. Metcalfe "Drag reduction for flow past a cylinder using active control"

3:45 Break

4:00 M. Gorman "Experimental studies of one- and two-dimensional cellular flames"

5:00 P. Neittaannmaki "Advanced optimization methods with industrial applications"

Saturday, October 9


9:00 D. Lapeyre "Fluid mechanics and mechanical heart valve thrombogenicity"

10:00 D. Kouri "Distributed approximating functionals, wavelets, signal processing,
and partial differential equations"

11:00 Break

11:15 H. Kawarada "Influence of spilled oil on the coastal ecosystem"


12.15 Closing remarks

This conference is sponsored by the University of Houston, the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at the University of Minnesota, and Dassault Aviation.

Date of last change: September 23, 1999