Instructions for Houston Journal of Mathematics Submissions

First, be sure that I am the editor closest to your area of mathematics.
For example, I will not process papers in applied analysis far from my expertise,
we have several other editors qualified to do that.

Papers should be sent to me as a pdf file, by email to dblecher at math dot uh dot edu

Be sure that the SUBJECT LINE says "Submission HJM" .
If you do not receive a reply within two weeks, assume that it was not received.

In the body of the email, please provide the following information:

  Name of Journal for submission.
  Title of paper.
  Author(s) names and official affiliation.
  Mailing Address of all authors.
  Email Address of all authors.
  Corresponding author.
  Telephone and fax numbers for corresponding author.

Instructions for HJM authors may be found here. I will not process papers that do not meet minimal requirements of mathematical and english exposition, or that are written in an unusual word processing software (in my experience by now all authors use LaTeX2e or TeX, or equivalent). Please visit the journal web site to obtain more information.
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