MATH 1312 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning

  Spring 2014

See the Department website ( for details on how to contact your instructor and for the location of your instructorÕs website.


Elementary Geometry for College Students, Daniel C. Alexander and Geralyn M. Koeberlein, 5th edition, Brooks/Cole CENGAGE learning, 2011/2007, ISBN-10: 1-439-04790-1 and ISBN-13: 978-1-439-04790-3. (NOTE: These are ISBN numbers for not two different but the same book)


Credit for or Placement out of Math 1310 or Math1311.

Math Lab

The MathLab offers free tutoring to all students enrolled in this course.

Mathlab is located in the Center for Academic Support and Assessment (CASA) in 222 Garrison Gym.


You will need to purchase the following supplies for this course.  (1) Compass, (2) Protractor, (3) Colored Pencils (optional), (4) Calculator.

Homework and quizzes

Assigned homework is generally due at 11:59PM of the day after the lecture on the material. Homework must be submitted 10 minutes prior to the deadline in an online EMCF in your CourseWare account. EMCF forms are online in your CourseWare account. ÒEMCFÓ stands for Electronic Multiple Choice Form. You use these to turn in homework. They are numbered and have deadlines.Your teacher will explain how to use the EMCF at the beginning of the semester.
There are no make ups for homework assignments. Some of your lowest homework scores will be dropped before calculating your average for the semester . See the homework assignments and due dates on your teacherÕs website.

Soon after school starts there will be weekly online quizzes on the ÒOnline AssignmentsÓ tab of your course site on CourseWare. You may take each quiz up to 20 times; your highest score for the period will be the grade recorded for the quiz. You must wait 10 minutes between attempts. Please note the schedule for the quizzes. You are responsible for knowing the
expiration date on each quiz. Do not wait until the last afternoon to begin working on an online quiz! CourseWare has a finite number of ÒloginsÓ that can be accommodated per hour and being unable to log on is not an excuse for missing a quiz, neither are viruses or hardware failures. There are no make-ups for online quizzes.
You may print out the quizzes and then get help on baffling questions in the CASA Ð Tutoring Center. Tutors are glad to help on these questions off printed copies, but are not allowed to help you if you are actually taking a quiz in the CASA Ð Tutoring Center
You must score 100 on the Course Policies Quiz before you can take any online quizzes. Any quizzes that you miss while you havenÕt finished the Course Policies Quiz will have a grade of zero.
There will NOT be an Amnesty Period at the end of the semester on quizzes. Once a quiz is expired it is over for the semester. Please make sure you complete each quiz before the
expiration deadline.
Daily Poppers
Poppers (or in-class quizzes) will be taken each class day starting the 3rd week of classes. Multiple choice questions will be asked throughout the lecture. You will record your answers on the Popper bubbling form and turn the form in during class. It is your responsibility to bubble in the information at the top carefully and completely; incomplete, improperly bubbled or illegible forms will not be graded. Popper grades will be posted to your gradebook periodically.

Use a #2 pencil to fill out the forms; erase VERY well.

You may buy a semester-pack of bubbling forms at the Book Store. Daily popper bubbling forms WILL NOT be returned to students and will be shredded after scoring. You must use the special UH bubbling form and you MUST bubble in the Student Number information properly!

You should keep a record of your popper answers separate from the bubbling form. Your teacher will post popper solutions at regular intervals so you can check how youÕre doing. 15% of the number of popper questions given during the semester will be dropped Ð your teacher will pick your lowest scores for this purpose Ð so there are no make-ups on poppers.


There will be three in-class exams.

You must bring your student ID to every exam!

See your instructorÕs website for dates.

Final Exam
The final exam is compulsory and comprehensive unless youÕre exempt (see "Exemption from the Final" below).

For final exam date and time see UH Final Exam Schedule. Keep this schedule in mind when making end-of-the-semester travel plans. The Math Department does NOT give finals at any time except during the days scheduled for finals. Your final day and time will also be publicized by your math teacher.
Exemption from the Final
If your final numerical score for the course is 80 or higher Ð calculated by the official Math Department Grade Calculator (which can be accessed through your CASA account), then you may CHOOSE to be exempt from the final. Your grade will be the grade calculated by the grade calculator at the time of the deadline. The deadline for choosing exemption will be announced by your teacher shortly after mid-semester. If you are eligible for exemption and do NOT select it by the deadline, then you must take the final. If you choose to exempt, you may not change your mind after the deadline has passed. If you do not have a semester numerical average that starts with an Ò8Ó or higher by the deadline, then you MUST take the final.


There will be NO makeup tests.  Your final exam score, however,  will serve to replace the LOWEST Test grade (and hence ONE missed test).
Extra Credit
There will be extra credit problem included in every test. There will be NO other form of extra credit or a extra credit project.


Calculators will be allowed on any exam.


Grading Scale:


  • Quizzes (take home)    10%
  • Homework                    10%
  • Daily Poppers               10%
  • (3) Tests                        51%  (17% each)
  • Final Exam                   19%

Total:                            100%         

Grades are NOT rounded up. So, for example, in order to earn an A as a letter grade, you must
have an average that is 93.0% or better. 92.99% is an A-.

If you call your average ÒxÓ . . .  

A >  93 B- 80 ² x < 83 D+ 67 ² x < 70
A- 90 ² x < 93 C+ 77 ² x < 80 D 63 ² x < 67
B+ 87 ² x < 90 C 73 ² x < 77 D- 60 ² x < 62
B 83 ² x < 87 C- 70 ² x < 73 F Below 60

Grading ID Number
You will use your seven digit My UH number as your Grading ID number on all the forms for grading poppers, and any test, and the final. Please fill in both the number boxes and the number bubbles. If you mis-bubble your ID on any form, your work will not be graded and you will receive a zero for your efforts. Note that the first row of bubbles is for zeros and the SECOND row of bubbles is for ones.
Students are responsible for information about the course that is emailed to them using the email address that the student provide to the CourseWare site or the MY UH site. It is the student's responsibility to keep the email address on file current and  to make arrangements for email from the instructor, UH, and CourseWare to reach the student. We have untold amounts of returned email from hotmail and gmail - if you are forwarding your UH email account to these, note that email rejection by these sites does NOT excuse you from finding out what you teacher has sent.

Important Dates

See your instructorÕs website for these or check the course schedule.

Dropping the course
You are responsible for making arrangements to drop the course if you wish to. If you wish to drop the course, complete the online ÒformÓ before the deadline. Do not assume that your teacher will drop you for any reason nor that your drop will be processed somehow automatically Ð you need to do this from your my UH account page. Pay attention to the deadline; check your course enrollment in your account to make sure your drop has been processed.
An incomplete (ÒIÓ) may be awarded to you by your teacher if the following criteria are met:

(i) The reason is a compelling NON-ACADEMIC reason.

(ii) You have completed virtually all the course assignments.

(iii) You have a passing grade on this work.
Incompletes are NOT available to students who have done little of the coursework nor for students who have failing grades on what they have done. See your teacher to fill out and sign the Incomplete contract Ð this is also required and must be signed in advance of an I being posted. Imminent failure is not an acceptable reason to be awarded an incomplete.

504/ADA Policy

Whenever possible, and in accordance with 504/ADA guidelines, we will attempt to provide reasonable academic accommodations to students who request and require them. Please call 713-743-5400 for more assistance.

Academic Conduct

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this class. Failure to report a dishonest act is also categorized as Academic Dishonesty in the UH Student Handbook. If you notice a classmate committing a dishonesty act, please talk to me about it. (See page 8 of the Student Handbook for more details on the UH Policy.)


Your instructor reserves the right to make modifications to the syllabus during the semester as necessary. If any modifications become necessary, they will be announced in class or/and added on the instructor's web site. Students are responsible for any announcements made in class.