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the Institute for Theoretical and Engineering Science
Department of Mathematics

University of Houston

Scientific Computing Seminar

Professor Ronald H.W. Hoppe
Department of Mathematics, University of Houston

Convergence Analysis of Adaptive Mixed
and Nonconforming Finite Element Methods

Thursday, September 1, 2005
Room 634 S&R1


We are concerned with the development, analysis and implementation of adaptive mixed and nonconforming finite element methods (MFEM and NFEM) for second order elliptic PDEs. In case of standard conforming P1 approximations, such methods have been considered previously in [3]. The methods presented in this contribution provide an error reduction and thus guarantee convergence of the adaptive loop which consists of the essential steps 'SOLVE', 'ESTIMATE', 'MARK', and 'REFINE'. Here, 'SOLVE' stands for the efficient solution of the finite element discretized problems. The following step 'ESTIMATE' is devoted to the a posteriori error estimation of the global discretization error. A greedy algorithm is the core of the step 'MARK' to indicate selected elements for refinement, whereas the final step 'REFINE' deals with the technical realization of the refinement process itself.
The analysis is carried out for the Poisson equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary data as a model problem and discretization by the lowest order Raviart-Thomas and Crouzeix-Raviart finite elements. Important tools in the convergence proof are the reliability of the estimator, a strong discrete local efficiency, and quasi-orthogonality properties. The proof does not require regularity of the solution nor does it make use of duality arguments.

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Tsorng-Whay Pan 2005-08-26