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Fabien Marpeau

Texas A&M University

Modeling the contamination of populations by a polluted environment

April 25, 2007


We are interested in the spread of pollution exposure within populations. This talk is split into two parts.
In the first part, we derive and analyze numerically a reaction-diffusion system modeling the impact of a pollution on a food chain population set. Each population is divided into two classes: the susceptible individuals, that have never been in contact with the contamination source, and the exposed individuals.

In the second part, we present and analyze another approach, which takes into account different levels of exposure to the pollution. The level of exposure is then a new independent variable structuring the exposed class. Mathematically, the problem consists of a nonlocal advection-reaction equation with variable speed governing the exposed class, coupled by its boundary condition with an ordinary differential equation governing the susceptible class.

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