Undergraduate Colloquium


An operating-room layout of a closed-circuit anesthetic delivery system is described. A mathematical model is derived to determine the uptake and delivery of anesthetic drugs to patents undergoing surgery. The compartmental model is given in terms of physiological parameters including blood flow rates, volumes, and solubility partition coefficients of the different tissue compartments. The pulmonary effects of dead space and lung shunt are included in the model. The mathematical model is solved to determine programmed delivery rates (ml/min) of the anesthetic drug during surgery. These time-dependent dosage-rate calculations are used to drive a pump to administer anesthesia to patients during surgery. (These results provide background dosage curves, and the anesthesiologist must occasionally adjust the programmed delivery rate to account for the individual needs of the patient under varying clinical circumstances.) Quantitative clinical data are given to support the application of the model. The closed-circuit anesthetic systems with the anesthetic dosage determined by this model has been successfully used in thousands of clinical cases.

Pizza will be served.

