Online Math 2303
Concepts in Algebra

This is NOT a self-paced course!

Online Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

If you cannot make it to our online meeting, no problem, make sure to watch the recorded lecture within the same week.

Remote students, those that live more than 100 miles from the UH campus, need to email me regarding remote administration of the exams.  It will be the student’s responsibility to find a university or testing center that will administer the exam.  More information for remote testing can be found at 
To set-up, email Tim Bretzke at


To enter the online classroom click on the "Class Notes" link below.

13xx Course Policies

  Irina Perepelitsa
Email:  irina at

Tutoring Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10:15AM - 11:45AM in CASA
OR by appointment (email me at least 24 hours in advance to set up an appointment)

Online Optional Tutoring: 30 minutes after each online meeting.



Class Notes
On-Campus Tutoring
Map to CASA Testing - GAR
Map to CASA Testing - CBB

The End