Min Ru

Min Ru


Office:674 PGH
Phone: (713) 743-3477 ; Fax: (713) 743-3505
Email: mru@uh.edu

My research work primarily concerns Complex and algebraic geometry, Diophantine approximation and Differential geometry. Before joining UH, I was Benjamin Peirce Assistant Professor at Harvard University (1992-1995). I also served as Assistant Professor (1990-1992) at the National University of Singapore (my name was mentioned in Milestones of the Math. Dept., NUS (Notable Publications)). In 1999, I received the University of Houston Research and Scholarship Excellence Award . In 2018, I was elected as Fellow of the American Mathematical Society. The Fellows of the American Mathematical Society program (see Fellows) recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.

Google scholar Min Ru

Ten Selected Publications (out of about eighty total publications, see my CV )


  • Min Ru, Nevanlinna theory and its relation to Diophantine approximation, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2001..
  • Min Ru, Nevanlinna theory and its relation to Diophantine approximation (Second Edition), World Scientific Publishing Co., 2021..
  • Min Ru, Minimal Surfaces through Nevanlinna theory, {\it De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics}, Volume 92, 194 pp, De Gruyter, 2023, ISBN 978-3-11-099982-2..
  • Editors for