Info is a format for man-pages.
You can either invoke it directly, or reach it from Emacs.

Info is organized as a tree (as opposed to the regular man-pages, in which each entry is organized linearly).
One can go up/down a branch, or go to the next/previous node on the same level.

To invoke it directly, type in a shell, say,  info lpr  (if you want to read the man-page of  lpr) or just info.
To reach Info from Emacs, do C-h i (this takes you into Info, see the extended choices after C-h).

You can browse the listings on the page you reach (RETURN on any item takes you into that topic).
Or, you can use m, which offers the menu selections.

E.g., to find information about latex, do m, then type latex (at this stage you can already use the completion mechanism of Emacs), and finally RETURN.

You can learn how to use Info by typing ? for a list of commands or h for a tutorial.

A few frequently used commands are given below. In Emacs some of them are enhanced; the extra features are alluded to in brackets.

Quit Info altogether.
Pick menu item specified by name (or abbreviation).
Follow the hypertext link under cursor (or near point).
Scroll forward a page (or up/down in the tree).
Scroll backward a page (or to the previous menu item).
Go to the beginning of this node.
l (i.e., lower-case L)
Move to the last node seen in this window.
Move `up' from this node.
Move to the `next' node of this node.
Move to the `previous' node of this node.