There are various fonts available: bold, italic, teletype. You can also emphasize the text, and use HEADINGS (which will start on a new line), from

level 1

level 6

Note that extra spaces and line-breaks are not displayed, unless you request "PREFORMATED" text, as below:

first line                big space
next line

To break a line use
and start a new paragraph with

(this gives more vertical space).

One important feature of HTML is that we can refer to files anywhere on the Internet, using LINKS. E.g., this first link takes you to the home-page of the Math Dept, the second link takes you to the bottom of the file from which we got here, and the third link takes you to the bottom of this page (notice how that location was defined!). Use the "BACK" button on your browser to return here!
The location of a file is given by its URL (Uniform Resource Locator; a more general term is URI, Uniform Resource Identifier). An URL can be:

ABSOLUTE, as "", or
RELATIVE, as "../web.html", which points to the file web.html in the directory above the file currently displayed.
An URL describes also the way to handle the file, e.g. send e-mail, or process an ftp request.

Here are a few often used commands:

A HORIZONTAL RULE is produced with

Here is an ORDERED LIST:
  1. first List Item
  2. the second item is an UNORDERED LIST:
  3. we can also use DEFINITION LISTS:
    Definition Term
    Definition Description
  4. fourth item

Include a picture that changes size with the window (try to resize the window) UH banner
or stays of fixed size (we also added a border, and made it stay in the center of the line, aligned at middle to the text)

a UH banner a

We can even make a link out of this picture (notice the border colored as a link, as long as we do not forbid it with border="0"). UH banner