
BibTeX was developed by Oren Patashnik around 1988.

See for a link valid in January 2022.

OLDER LINKS: See, which also includes examples of how various styles look (e.g,,, in addition to an example and a list of entry types and fields [however, the links to are not valid anymore; see correct links lower in this page].

Here is the rough idea:
This is a collection of links etc. that you might find useful:
a very basic description
a bit more details
examples of various BibTeX entries, explaining what the parameters do:
various BibTeX style files (.bst), to dowload if needed
Below is part of the info page for BibTeX. See also the "amsplain" and "amsalpha" styles.
  Here are descriptions of the four standard and four semi-standard basic
  BibTeX styles. `CTAN:/biblio/bibtex' contains these and many more.

  Sorts entries alphabetically, with numeric labels.  Generally
  formatted according to van Leunen's `A Handbook for Scholars'.
  The other style files listed here are based on `plain'.

  First names, month names, and journal names are abbreviated.

  Names are printed in small caps.

  Alphanumeric labels, e.g., `Knu66'.

  No labels at all; instead, the year appears in parentheses after
  the author.  Use this in conjunction with `apalike.tex' (plain
  TeX) or `apalike.sty' (LaTeX), which also changes the citations in
  the text to be `(AUTHOR, YEAR)'.

  Numeric labels, entries in citation order, IEEE abbreviations,
  article titles in quotes.

  Numeric labels, alphabetic order, `Math. Reviews' abbreviations,
  names in small caps.

  Lists entries in citation order, i.e., unsorted.

  The template file and documentation for the standard styles.

Last updated: May 2010