LaTeX commands, packages, etc.

This is a list of various commands and packages that you might find useful. Some commands are mentioned near the package that provides them.


More about packages is in the Packages section.
incorporates (?) the features of psfig, epsfig
psfig, epsfig
provides align, flalign, gather, multline, split (alternatives to eqnarray)


Some commands might require a special package (most likely, amsmath or amssymb).

The (Info) mention means that you can find more about this in the Info pages of LaTeX.

make sure the argument is always in math mode (even if not used that way)
produce Diff instead of Diff in math mode
displayed math equations
these are all environments, so should be used as \begin{...} and \end{...}
ex, em, en, pt, in, cm
length units
\hfill, \hfil, \vfill, \vfil
fill empty horizontal or vertical space (Info)
\vspace{}, \hspace{}
skip the prescribed amount, vertically or horizontally (Info)
\bigskip, \medskip, \smallskip
vertical spacing (Info)
square -- or other -- root (e.g., \sqrt[3]{1+x^2} for cubic root) (Info)
makes TeX less fussy about line breaking (Info)
opposite of \sloppy; it is the default (Info)
\pagestyle{} (see also \thispagestyle{})
changes the style from the current page on (Info)
ends the current page and causes all figures and tables that have so far appeared in the input to be printed (Info)
\textnormal{} (and \text{} if the amsmath package is used)
produce regular font (i.e., "text") while in mathematical mode. Spaces inside \text{} will not be ignored.
Example: $x^2\ge 0 \text{ for each } x\in \mathbb R$
fill the rest of the line (or box) with a horizontal rule (Info)
make a box with a specific content; if the width is not specified, it will be the width of the text (Info)
Examples: \makebox[1in]{\hrulefill} or \makebox[1in][l]{Name:}
\include{} and \input{}
read the content of the named file; \include allows for selective \input (Info)
arrow used to denote bounded inclusion
below is an example (refer to these items with \cite{Strassen67}, etc.) (Info)

V.~Strassen. {Almost sure behavior of sums of independent random variables and
  martingales}. \emph{Proc. 5th Berkeley Symp. Math. Statist. Probab.},
  \textbf{2} (1967), 315--343.

S.~Takahashi. {Notes on the law of the iterated logarithm}. \emph{Studia Sci.
  Math. Hung.} \textbf{7} (1972), 21--24.
