
Matlab is an interactive language (you type a command and receive the answer right-away), but one can also write programs.
Use the TAB key to complete commands, file-names, etc.

Use the up and down arrows to select a previous command.
Or, type the first letters of a previous command before using the arrows to select only the matching commands.

Use the left and right keys to edit commands.

Begin with the percentage sign (%).
Continuation lines
Three or more decimal points (that is,   ...  ) at the end of a line cause the following line to be a continuation.
Suppresing output
The output of a command will not be displayed if the command ends in a semi-colon (;).
x=5, y=1:10; z=7
will display the values of x and z but not that of y (the latter is the array [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]).
Matlab files
The files that contain Matlab commands are called M-files, and have the extension .m (e.g., my_file.m). These can be scripts or functions (see below).
Binary Matlab files have the extension .mat.
Data files (for example, large matrices) have usually the extension .dat.
Executing commands
One can execute commands in various ways.
The last item below is the primary way to define new functions in Matlab.
Function arguments
Usually the arguments are passed as f(x,y,'string',z); for some functions the parantheses are optional, but then the arguments are seen as strings.

For example title Disk is the same as title('Disk').

Predefined variables
Some of these are also functions, see the help.
Array operations
Listing and removing variables
Use the commands save and load to save or load variables/data.
Can choose to save the variables in binary format (the default) or as ASCII. The binary files are specific to the Matlab version.
The whole worskpace can be saved at the end of a session (and restored at the beginning of the next).


Recording commands
Use the command diary. Here is most of what help diary says:
 DIARY Save text of MATLAB session.
    DIARY FILENAME causes a copy of all subsequent command window input
    and most of the resulting command window output to be appended to the
    named file.  If no file is specified, the file 'diary' is used.
    DIARY OFF suspends it. 
    DIARY ON turns it back on.
    DIARY, by itself, toggles the diary state.
    Use the functional form of DIARY, such as DIARY('file'),
    when the file name is stored in a string.