MENTOR Students,

  This Friday we'll be doing something a little different from the usual
  Problem Sessions. I was asked to talk to you about "How to Give a Good
  Mathematics Talk". Rather than giving a presentation, I'd prefer it if we
  have more of a conversation and a Q&A to talk about what goes into a
  good presentation, and discuss how one prepares and delivers a talk. So
  think about the topic, and plan to come with some questions or ideas
  you'd like to discuss.

  You aren't required to do anything to prepare for the meeting, but I want
  to provide you with some resources you can look at (or even just skim).

  First is a guide to attending talks:

  The "Three Things" Exercise for Getting Things out of Talks by Ravi Vakil

  and the second is a list of resources on giving talks:


  Dr. Mark Tomforde

  Associate Professor of Mathematics

  Department of Mathematics
  University of Houston
  Houston, TX 77204