Atife Caglar
Associate Professor of Mathematics



Committee Service at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Academic Action Committee
2007 - 2009
This committee decides who among the probated students will remain as students at UWGB

Laboratory/Classroom Modernization Committee
2008 - present
This Committee has the specific task of reviewing and making recommendations regarding proposals for funding from the campus Lab/Classroom Modernization fund.

Advertising the Environmental Science and Policy Graduate Program Committee
Collect data from the graduate faculty members such as the number of major advisors, amount of grants acquired and names of institutions from their graduate students

Outstanding Thesis Award committee
2006, 2007
Read six master thesis decide which one is the best

Environmental Science Assessment Sub-committee
This committee identifies which learning outcomes are addressed by each course, discusses evidence of student learning as related to learning outcomes, determine switch courses are currently using embedded assessment, and designs of self-assessment tool for graduating seniors

Committee Service at American Mathematical Society
Association for Women in Mathematics Mentor Network Committee
Member 2007-2009
Matched mentors with girls/women who are interested in mathematics and/or are pursuing careers in mathematics

Association for Women in Mathematics (Mentor) 2006-2009
Helped mentees academically and personally

Departmental Services at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, WI
Advised undergraduate mathematics major and minor students

Math Club (Advisor) 2009-present
Attend meetings of the organization and become familiar with events and activities sponsored by the group to insure that it adheres to state and University policies, Serve as a resource to the group. This includes providing ongoing training as needed, Help the group achieve its goals by sharing expertise, insight, ideas, and by making recommendations when appropriate, Work with members to develop self-responsibility, Keep track of the financial status of the organization.

Service at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Institutional Advancement Committee for Board of Trustees

Graduate Student Representative 2001-2002

Committees for Graduate and Professional Students Association

Vice-President (Elected) 1999-2000