Klaus Kaiser
Professor of Mathematics, University of Houston

Office: 607 PGH
Office Phone: (713)-743-3462

The easiest way to reach me is by sending  e-mail to klaus@math.uh.edu. You may also send me snail-mail via the Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, Houston, TX77204-3476.

First Info for my  Fall Courses Math 3330    2020FA_5331_linear  algebra.html

Links to Older Courses

I came to the University of Houston in 1969 with a degree from the University of Bonn (PhD 1966, Habilitation 1973,  Darmstadt). My main research interests are in Mathematical Logic, Universal Algebra, Lattice Theory and Logic Programming. Some of my papers, e.g., on quasi-universal and projective model classes are with Manfred Armbrust who retired from the University of Cologne. A paper on non-standard lattice theory is with two of my former Ph.D. students Mai Gehrke and Matt Insall. We had this paper dedicated to Abraham Robinson.

I was from 1980-1992 an associate editor of the Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik which shortly after the Re-Unification of Germany became Mathematical Logic Quarterly
Since June 1996, I am  Managing Editor of the Houston Journal of Mathematics

I got quite interested in publishing issues:

At the Satellite Conference on Electronic Information and Communication in Mathematics of  the International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, August  2002, I presented at Tsinghua University a paper 
Paper: The Web: Challenge and Opportunity for an Independent Journal.pdf 
Slides: Tsinghua_Talk.ppt  
This article is contained in Springers Lecture Notes on Computer Science, LNCS 2730, see

At the joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and Sociedad Mathemática Mexicana, Houston,  May 2004, I co-organized with Bernd Wegner  and Enrique Ramírez de Arellano a special session on Problems and Issues in Electronic Publishing. I presented the  paper
Paper: Some Recent Issues on the Business of Journal Publishing: An Independent Point of View.pdf
Slides: Houston_Talk.ppt
This article is contained in "New Developments in Electronic Publishing of Mathematics", published by FIZ Karlsruhe http:/www.fiz-karlsruhe.de/ , for sales and distribution. Electronic files are available through EMIS, The Electronic Library of Mathematics, in Mathematical Collections and Conference Proceedings
Jim Pitman has created a homepage for this meeting at  http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/pitman/houston04.html  and has added interesting links related to topics which have been discussed at this conference. 

I gave an invited talk at the Communicating Mathematics in the Digital Era (CMDE 2006) conference in Aveiro, Portugal August, 15-18
Implementing Electronic Access for an Independent Journal:Technical Issues, Business Decisions, Legal Matters.pdf
This paper is included as a chapter in the book "Communicating Mathematics in the digital Era" published by K. Peters, ISBN 978-1-56881-410-0

For  the JMM 2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Diego I co-organized with Steven Krantz  (AMS) and Elizabeth Loew (Springer Verlag)  a session on Topics and Issues in Electronic Publishing
Slides: San Diego Talk
Author Sponsored Journals
roceedings are published by FIZ Karlsruhe

A footnote in model theory: I proved 1966 that the variety of all algebras of a fixed type admits a model completion. Like in the case of fields, the models of the inductive hull (now called Kaiser hull) ) are algebraically closed. But what about the models of the projective hull? Robinson mentioned to me in 1971 that probably a whole new logic might be needed for characterizing those algebras. And indeed, the axioms of the projective hull are exactly what is now referred to as Clark's Equational Theory (1978) which is central for Prolog. But interestingly enough, Mal'cev knew these axioms already (1962) as the axioms for locally absolutely free algebras. He also noticed completeness of these axioms, a fact that was rediscovered by Kunen about 25 years later.

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This page was updated on August  2, 2017