Contact Information

Annalisa Quaini, Professor and Associate Chair
Vice President, SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section
Associate editor of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Founding editor of Advances in Computational Science and Engineering
2021-2022 William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Fellow, Radcliffe Institute
Department of Mathematics
University of Houston
Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall (PGH), Office 662
3551 Cullen Blvd
Houston, TX, 77204-3008
quaini at math dot uh dot edu
Phone: 713-743-3491

Office hours for Fall 2024: Thu 1:00PM-2:30PM

Research Interests

Climate modeling: finite volume, ocean, regional modeling, reduced order modeling.
Reduced-order modeling (ROM): data-driven methods, projection methods, proper orthogonal decomposition, reduced basis, ROM for bifurcation problems, ROM for optimal control.
Computational fluid dynamics: finite element, finite volume, Large Eddy Simulation, reduced order modeling, surface flows, two-phase flows.
Multiphysics problems: algorithms, domain decomposition, linear algebra, benchmarking and validation, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, phase separation.
Multidisciplinary simulation in collaboration with cardiologists and biomedical engineers.
Crowd dynamics: microscopic and kinetic approaches, emotional contagion, parameter learning.

For news on my research activity, connect with me on LinkedIn

News archive

Working with Me

If you are a graduate or undergraduate student and find any of my research project interesting, please contact me.
Undergraduate students must be currently enrolled at the University of Houston. Graduate students need to apply to the graduate program of the Department of Mathematics (