University of Houston
Computational Science Initiative
The Computational Sciences Initiative at the
University of Houston (CSIUH) is an
interdisciplinary graduate certificate
program aimed at promoting advanced
research and education in the
Computational Sciences, including
numerical algorithms, high performance
parallel computing, numerical modelling
and simulation with applications in
Sciences, Engineering and other disciplines
in which computation plays an integral role.
A Computational Sciences Certificate of
Completion at the University of Houston is
available to graduate degree candidates in
one of the participating departments --
Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering,
Computer Science, Electrical Engineering,
Finance, Geosciences, Mathematics, and
Physics -- and who have selected an
independent research project (thesis or
dissertation) in which there is a significant
computational component.
Course Requirements
Requirements for award of the Masters
Certificate of Completion include a total of
9 hours (with grades of B or higher) from
the approved list of CSIUH electives
(including at least 3 hours from outside their
home department) and earns a Masters
degree from UH. The Doctoral Certificate
of Completion is awarded when a student
completes 12 hours (with grades of B or
higher) from the approved list of electives
(including 6 hours from outside their home
department) and earns a Doctoral degree
from UH. Students must meet all
requirements of their home department. At
least one member from the Associated
Faculty Committee must be on a student's
research committee.
Students entering this program should have
at least a Bachelor's degree in engineering,
computer science, mathematics, statistics,
or a scientific discipline. Students from
other disciplines will also be considered on
a case by case basis, but the following
prerequisites are strongly recommended
for those students:
- One year of general college physics or
- One year of differential/integral calculus,
a course in multivariable calculus, a
course in differential equations, and a
course in linear algebra.
- A course in computer programming
(either FORTRAN, C, or C++) or
equivalent experience.
Numerous computational resources are
available to CSIUH participating students at
University of Houston. Among them are a
64 nodes IBM-SP2 parallel machine, a
NEC-SX3 vector supercomputer and
advanced powerful workstations including
SGI Origin 2000.
Interested students should access the
program's web page or contact the CSIUH
office to obtain detailed information about
academic requirements and financial
support. CSIUH students must be enrolled
in a department from which they receive
their degree. In conjunction with the
requirements of the home department, the
program consists of a common core
curriculum and a minimum number of
approved CSIUH elective courses.
Students entering CSIUH may come from a
variety of backgrounds. Admission is based
on undergraduate GPA, letters of
recommendation, and GRE scores.
Several research and teaching
assistantships are available through the
CSIUH and through the participating
departments and colleges. Information
about the program, including application
materials, can be obtained over the Internet
at or by writing to: Computational
Science Program, University of Houston,
Department of Mathematics, Houston, TX
Approved CSIUH Elective Courses
- Biochemical and Biophysical Sciences
- BCHS 6206: Advanced Computational
Methods in Biochemistry
- Chemistry
- CHEM 6321: Quantum Chemistry
- CHEM 6322: Statistical Thermodynamics
- CHEM 7321: Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry
- CHEM 7322: Scattering Theory
- CHEM 7323: Statistical Mechanics in Chemistry
- CHEM 7333: Design and Analysis of Chemical Experiments
- Computer Science
- COSC 6302: Introduction to Logic and Computing Machines
- COSC 6303: Introduction to Numerical Analysis
- COSC 6304: Introduction to Structured Programming and Analysis
- COSC 6320: Data Structures and Algorithms
- COSC 6350: Software Engineering
- COSC 6363: Concurrent Programming
- COSC 6364: Numerical Analysis
- COSC 6365: Vector Processing
- COSC 6374: Parallel Computations
- COSC 6377: Computer Networks
- COSC 6384: Real-Time Systems
- COSC 7364: Advanced Parallel Computations
- COSC 7366: Advanced Mathematical Software
- COSC 7374: Computer Vision
- Engineering
- ENGI 6324 & 6326: Reservoir Simulation I & II
- ENGI 6370: Systems Engineering: Introduction to Systems
Modeling and Analysis
- ENGI 6371: Systems Engineering: Systems Optimization and
Computational Methods
- Chemical Engineering
- CHEE 6330: Computational Methods for
Chemical Engineers
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ELEE 6313: Neural Networks
- ELEE 6320: Knowledge-Based Systems
in Electrical Engineering
- ELEE 6325: State-Space Control Systems
- ELEE 6350: Numerical Solution Methods
in Electromagnetics
- ELEE 6364: Digital Image Processing
- ELEE 6373: Advanced Computer
- ELEE 6374: Parallel Numerical Computing
- Mechanical Engineering
- MECE 6345: Hydrodynamic Stability
- MECE 6351 & 6352: Finite Element Analysis
in Engineering Sciences I & II
- MECE 6353: Introduction to Computational
Fluid Dynamics
- MECE 6379: Computer Methods for
Mechanical Design
- Geosciences
- GEOL 6362: Computer Modeling in Geology
- GEOL 6391: Modeling of Seismic Data
- GEOL 6392: Migration of Seismic Data
- GEOL 7320: Seismic Velocity
- GEOL 7322: Seismic Inversion: Current Concepts
- GEOL 7341: Geophysical Data Processing
- Mathematics
- MATH 6326 & 6327: Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 6366 & 6367: Optimization and Variational Methods
- MATH 6370 & 6371: Numerical Analysis
- MATH 6374: Numerical PDE
- MATH 6376: Numerical Linear Algebra
- MATH 6378: Parallel Scientific Computing
- MATH 6382 & 6383: Probability Models and Mathematical Statistics
- MATH 7324 & 7325: Bifurcation Theory
- MATH 7396: Domain Decomposition Methods with Applications
- MATH 7398: Iterative Methods for Large Scale Problems
- Physics
- PHYS 6309 & 6311: Advanced Mechanics
- PHYS 6315 & 6316: Quantum Mechanics
- PHYS 7310: Hydrodynamics
- PHYS 7381: Hydrodynamic Instabilities
CSIUH Coordinators
Roland Glowinski, College of Natural
Sciences and Mathematics and
College of Engineering
Yuri Kuznetsov, College of Natural
Sciences and Mathematics
Associated Faculty
G. Auchmuty, Mathematics
Y.-C. Chen, Mechanical Engineering
E. Dean, Mathematics
R. Glowinski, Mathematics
M. Gorman, Physics
G. Gunaratne, Physics
D. Jackson, Electrical Engineering
O. Johnson, Computer Science
L. Johnsson, Computer Science
B. Keyfitz, Mathematics
D. Kouri, Chemistry/Physics
Y. Kuznetsov, Mathematics
B. Loftin, Computer Science
R. Metcalfe, Mechanical Engineering
B. Pettitt, Chemistry
R. Rabinovitch, Finance
R. Sanders, Mathematics
R. Wilton, Electrical Engineering
Correspondence and Information
Computational Science Initiative
University of Houston
Department of Mathematics
4800 Calhoun Road
Houston, Texas 77204-3476
Date of last change: October 26, 2000