
Free surfice flows of visco-plastic fluids

Visco-plastic fluids combine solid-like behavior in the absence of intervention and fluid-like response at stress. The shift between this two conditions is formalized by yield stress parameter.

Kirill Nikitin (INM RAS)
Kirill Terekhov (INM RAS)
Yuri Vassilevski (INM RAS)
Ruslan Yanbarisov (INM RAS)
Wanli Cheng (former University of Houston)

A model for free-surface viscoplastic fluid flow

Fluid domain: $\Omega(t)\in\mathbb{R}^3$ with boundary $\overline{\partial \Omega(t)}=\overline{\Gamma_D}\cup\overline{\Gamma(t)}$
$\Gamma_D$: solid part, $\; \Gamma(t)$: free surface

Fluid equations:
$$ \left\{ \begin{split} \rho\left(\frac{\partial {\mathbf{u}}}{\partial t}+ ({\mathbf{u}} \cdot \nabla) {\mathbf{u}}\right) -\bf{div}\,\tau + \nabla p = {\bf f}\\ \nabla \cdot {\mathbf{u}} = 0 \end{split}\right. \quad\text{in}~ \Omega(t), $$

The Herschel-Bulkley constitutive law:
\begin{equation*} \begin{split} \mathbf{\tau} = \left(K\,|\mathbf{Du}|^{n-1} + \tau_s |\mathbf{Du}|^{-1}\right)\mathbf{Du}&~ \Leftrightarrow~ |\tau| > \tau_s,\\ \mathbf{Du} = \mathbf{0}&~ \Leftrightarrow~ |\tau|\le \tau_s. \end{split} \end{equation*}
$K>0$: consistency parameter,
$\rho$: density of fluid,
$\bf{Du}=\frac{1}{2}[\nabla\mathbf{u} + (\nabla\mathbf{u})^T]$: rate of strain tensor,
$\tau$: deviatoric part of the stress tensor,
$\tau_s\ge0$: yield stress parameter,
$\bf{u}$: velocity vector,
$n>0$: flow index,
p: kinematic pressure.

For a passively advected free surface $\Gamma(t)$, it holds $ v_{\Gamma} = \mathbf{u}|_{\Gamma} \cdot \mathbf{n}_{\Gamma}, $ where $\mathbf{n}_{\Gamma}$ is the normal vector for $\Gamma(t)$ and $v_{\Gamma}$ is the normal velocity of $\Gamma(t)$. The balance the surface tension and stress forces gives the second condition on $\Gamma(t)$ : \begin{equation*}\label{eq:tension} \boldsymbol{\sigma} \mathbf{n}_{\Gamma} = \varsigma \kappa \mathbf{n}_{\Gamma} %- p_{\rm ext} \mathbf{n}_{\Gamma} \quad\text{on}~ \Gamma(t), \end{equation*} $\kappa$ is the sum of the principal curvatures, $\varsigma$ is the surface tension coefficient.

Do not forget initial and boundary conditions. :-)

Examples and illustrations

Computational Herschel-Bulkley fluid flows

The sketch of the flow set-up: viscoplastic fluid flows over incline planes; see [7].

Flow animation: viscoplastic fluid flows over incline planes.
Plots: evolution of the contact line of the free-surface.
Parameters: $\alpha=12^o$, $K\,=47.68 Pa s^{-n}$, $n=0.415$, $\tau_s=89 Pa$.

Compare the numerics with the report of Cochard and Ancey on experimental studies with Carbopol Ultrez 10 gel (flow over an inclined plane, same set-up): "... we observed two regimes: at the very beginning ($t<1s$), the flow was in an inertial regime; the front velocity was nearly constant. Then, quite abruptly, a pseudo-equilibrium regime occurred, for which the front velocity decayed as a power-law function of time."

Flow animation: viscoplastic fluid flows over incline planes. The opening gate is now simulated numerically.
Plots: evolution of the midplane flow-depth profile.
Parameters: $\alpha=12^o$, $K\,=47.68 Pa s^{-n}$, $n=0.415$, $\tau_s=89 Pa$.

Computations for Herschel-Bulkley fluid, $n=1\Rightarrow$ Bingham

Freely oscillating droplet problem; see [2] and [7].

Viscoplastic case, $\tau_s>0 \qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad $ Finite cessation times?

The kinetic energy decay (left) and top tip trajectories (right) for different stress yield parameter values, $$\tau_s\in\{0,\, 0.02,\, 0.03,\, 0.04\}:$$

Few more animations of complex and/or entertaining
fluid flows
(computed and rendered by Kirill Nikitin)

For algorithms description see [3-6].

Newtonian fluids:

Sayana-Shushenskaya Dam Break (Newtonian fluid):

Sayana-Shushenskaya Landslide (Herschel-Bulkley fluid). Landslide run-out and kinetic energy evolution:
(real-life topography thanks to Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (NASA))
(H.-B. model coefficients correspond to rheology of Puglia mountains landslides.)

Metro station from "Moscow 2033" novel:

The bibliography

  1. K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Yu.V. Vassilevski, R. Yanbarisov, An adaptive numerical method for free surface flows passing rigidly mounted obstacles, Computers & Fluids, V. 148 (2017), 56-68, pdf-file;
  2. W. Cheng, M.A. Olshanskii, Finite stopping times for freely oscillating drop of a yield stress fluid, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 239 (2017), 73-84, pdf-file;
  3. K.M. Terekhov, K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, Y.V.. Vassilevski, A semi-Largangian method on dynamically adapted octree meshes, Rus.J.Num.Anal.Math.Model. 30 (2015), 363-380, pdf-file;
  4. K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Yu.V. Vassilevski, A splitting method for numerical simulation of free surface flows of incompressible fluids with surface tension, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics , 15 (2015), 59-77, pdf-file
  5. M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Y.V. Vassilevski, An octree-based solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with enhanced stability and low dissipation, Computers & Fluids, 84 (2013), 231-246, pdf-file
  6. K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Yu.V. Vassilevski, A CFD approach to the 3D modelling of large-scale hydrodynamic events and disasters, Rus.J.Num.Anal.Math.Model., 27 (2012), 399-412, pdf-file;
  7. K.D. Nikitin, M.A. Olshanskii, K.M. Terekhov, Yu.V. Vassilevski,
    A numerical method for the simulation of free surface flows of viscoplastic fluid in 3D, J.Comp.Math., 29 (2011), 605-622, pdf-file;

Department of Mathematics
University of Houston
651 PGH Houston, Texas 77204
tel:+1-713-743 3500

email: molshan (at)
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