Loic Cappanera


I am one of the main developpers of SFEMaNS created by Jean-Luc Guermond and Caroline Nore. Here are some general information on this code:
  • SFEMaNS solves the magnetohydrodynamics equations in 3D axi-symmetric domains.
  • Thermodynamics, multiphase and ferrohydrodynamics problem can be considered.
  • Lagrange finite element in meridian plane and Fourier decomposition in azimuthal direction.
  • Fully parallel code.
  • The documentation is available on SFEMaNS's webpage "here".

Other codes

I am currently developing a deal.II module, with my postdoc Giselle Sosa Jones, to solve the black oil problem in porous media (three phases and three components) using discontinuous finite element. Module will be made available in the future. See https://www.dealii.org/ for more information on deal.II.