Advanced Linear Algebra

Math 4377-01 (11286) Advanced Linear Algebra I, Monday-Friday,  12-14:00  F154

Office Hours: PGH 607, TTH 14:|30-15:30 and by appointment.
Phone: 713-743-3462  But you can always e-mail your questions to
Please, use only this e-mail.
Teaching Assistant: Kuikui Gao (

Text: Linear Algebra, Fourth Edition by  Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence

Syllabus:  Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (4.1-4.4)
Course Description: The general theory of Vector Spaces and Linear Transformations will be developed in an axiomatic fashion. Determinants.

Preptext for Linear Algebra. If linear algebra is totally new to you, or if you have forgotten everything, then my A Primer for Linear Algebra  might be helpful.

To accompany  the book, I have prepared some notes for Math 4377/6308. They deal with Linear Maps, Linear Systems and Matrices (2.2-2.4, 3.2-3.4).
Some Notes on Math 4377
Students should also be familiar with finding a basis for the span U of  given vectors and then finding a linear system for U. My notes for the online class Math 5331 explain this:
Some notes for Math 5331, (pdf-file)

Grading: There will be  three  Tests and the Final. I will take the two highest test scores (60%) and the mandatory final (40%). Tests and the Final are based on homework problems and material covered in class.

1.6:    1,2,4,5,9,10,11,12, 13,24,31
First Test: June 12,  Test 1, Test 1 Key Practice Test 1    Practice Test 1_key
For all tests, you need to bring a blue book and picture ID

2.1: 1,9,11,14,16,21
2,9,11,12, 16* (16 this is a difficult one; I took out problem 1 because it is mainly on notation)
1,2,3,7Second Test: June 21       Practice Test 2, Key for Practice Test2   Key for Test 2

1,2,3 Not on Test 3
3.2: 1,2,5(a)-(d),8 Not on Test 3
Read again the first three chapters of the book
and my notes  Some Notes on Linear algebra.
Third Test, TBA  Practice Test 3       Key for Practice Test 3 Key for Test 3
For all tests, you need to bring a blue book and picture ID

4.2: 1,2,3,4,25,26,28,29
4.3: 1,2,3,10,11

For all tests, you need to bring a blue book and picture ID

Final (comprehensive):  Tuesday, July 3,  11am-2pm        Practice Final    Some answers for the practice final
You need to bring a blue book and picture ID

Tired of still not being able to type math on your new and fancy PC? I recommend Scientific Notebook (SNB) for your home work and for writing notes of  the course. This program is available for $99  through MacKichan Software at If you are on windows then you should get version 5.5 and not the latest version 6.
Unlike ordinary word processors, documents are saved in LaTeX. For version 6 this is only an option. But the program is as easy to use as MS Word.   In addition of  being a scientific text processor, the program can also compute or graph your mathematical expressions. This feature is especially useful for Linear Algebra. SNB comes with complete printed documentation.