MA  3363,    Spring 2016

Mon, Wed, Fri 11-12,    Room: CBB 104

1.    Instructor:  Demetrio Labate
Instructor Office:  694 PGH
Office Hours: Wed,Fri 1-2 or by appointment
Phone Number:  (713) 743-3492
E-mail address:
2. Goals and Objectives:
This is an introductory course to partial differential equantions. Students will learn: Linear partial differential equations including the heat equation, wave equation, advection equation. Method of separation of variables. Fourier series. Spectral methods. Detailed list of topics will be as follows: topics
3. Textbook: Richard Haberman: "Applied Partial Differential Equations (with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems)", Fifth Edition, 2013

4. Homework and Examinations:

The only way to understand and master the material presented in class is by working out the homework problems on your own. You are strongly encouraged to work out the homework problems that are assigned regularly and carefully. Copying the homework from someone else or watching someone else doing the work for you will bring you minimal benefit. The homework will count 30% towards the final grade. There will be (almost) weekly homework assignments posted at the link below. At the end of the semester, your worst HW score will be dropped.

Homework submission and evaluation policy: Every week I will either collect the homework or administer a short quiz (10 min) based on the homework. The quiz or the homework collection will be on the DUE DATE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LECTURE (11:05PM). No late homework submissions will be accepted. A late or missed HW will receive a 0 score. Homework should be submitted in a "professional" form which allows a grader to read your solutions without unnecessary effort or ambiguity. In particular, your solution should either be typed or handwritten in a neat and legible form; if you submit scanned pages, they should be perfectly legible; submitted pages should be ordered with clear indication of which problem is being solved; if your homework solution consists of more than one page, pages must be stapled. Collected homework which does not satisfy these guidelines might receive up to a 50% penalty in the score. You are allowed to e-mail your homework before class if you know you will miss class (note that attachments above 5MB may be filtered out by the UH mail server).


(the list below will be updated during the semester)

Tests. There will be three tests in class counting 40% towards the final grade (tentatively) on MON FEB 15, WED MAR 23, WED APR 20 . The worst of your 3 tests will be half-dropped; that is, the 3 tests counts 40% towards the final grade, where the best two tests will count 16% each, the worst one will count 8%.
Final exam. The final exam counts 30% towards the final grade. This is scheduled on MON MAY 9 at 11 am.
Makeup tests will be allowed only for justified and unavoidable absences. In this case, if possible, previous authorization should be obtained from the Instructor. In all other cases, you will get a zero score for a missed test.

5. Grading:

The grade will be determined according to a set point scale: 90%-100%: A, 80%-89%: B, 70%-79%: C, 60-69% D; F is less than 60% (+ and - will also be used).


Academic Integrity Statement: Students are expected to follow university guidelines.

Students with disabilities: Written requests issued by the Office of Disability Services will be honored.