Research Group at UH:
Upcoming Graduate Students:
- Daniil Shaposhnikov
Undergraduate Students:
- Macy Mosier, Physics Major
- Neil Egarguin - Assocciate Professor, University of Philippines Los Banos
- David Jackson - Professor UH ECE Department
- Jiefu Chen - Assistant Professor UH ECE Department
- Chaoxian Qi - Former Graduate Student UH ECE Department
Past members of our research group:
- Damon Spencer, Engineering major, UH, 2020 - 2023
- Jake Hill, Math major, UH, 2022, 2023
- Maria Lozano Math major, UH, 2022,2023
- Larry Guan, Physics major, UH, summer 2019, spring 2020
Shubin Zeng - Graduate Student UH ECE Department
Eric Platt - Postdoctoral associate - 2018-2019
Sohini Sengupta, Postdoctoral associate
Mark Hubenthal, Postdoctoral associate, Now, Applied scientist, imaging group, AMAZON
Taoufik Meklachi - PhD student - Graduate in April 2014,
Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences, PennState Harrisburg, PA
Noam Harari - Undergraduate math major - Class of 2019
Zach Garvey - Undergraduate math. major UH, 2011-2015, Now graduate TA in the Math. Dept. Dartmouth College
Huy Dinh - Undergraduate math. major UH 2010-2014. Now graduate TA in the Math. Dept. University of Utah
----- REU possibilities available in all research areas described below. If interested please contact me. -----------
Research themes:
Inverse source problems and active control of acoustic fields
(Sponsored by Office of Naval Research (ONR) 2015-2018)
Inverse problems and active control of electromagnetic fields
(Sponsored by AFOSR YIP award, 2013-2016, by 2016 UH GEAR award, by Army Research office (ARO), 2017-2020 and
currently by Army Research Lab)
Current Funded Projects:
FREQUENCY ENVIRONMENTS, (PI: Aaron Becker ECE UH, other co-PI's: David Jacskon ECE UH and Julien Leclerc ECE UH),
sub-award through KRI at Northeastern University, LLC funded by U.S. Army Research Office)
( Press Release)
- co-PI, Spectrum Management with Adaptive and Reconfigurable Technology (SMART) Hub ,
(PI: David Jackson ECE UH, other co-PI, Shu Zhu ECE UH, sub-award through Baylor University funded by Army Research Lab U.S. Army Research Office)
( Press Release)
Past Press releases:
- PI, Active manipulation of acoustic and electromagnetic fields, funded through Army Research Office (ARO), no co-PI
( Press Release)
- PI, Active control of electromagnetic fields, Award through the Young Investigator Program (YIP),
Airforce Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) , (funded through AFOSR), no co-PI
( Press Release)
- Active Control of Electromagnetic Fields in Layered Media,
( with C. Qi, S. Zheng, N. Egarguin, J. Chen),
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol 38, Iss 1, 2024.
- Sensitivity analysis for active electromagnetic field manipulation in free space
(with C. Qi, N. Egarguin, S. Zeng and J. Chen),
Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Vol 30, iss. 1, 2022.
- Defect Characterization in a 1D Spring Mass System using the Laplace and Z- transforms
(with N. Egarguin and L. Guan), (pdf),
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2022.
- Active control of scalar Helmholtz fields in the presence of known impenetrable obstacles
(with L. Besabe), (pdf),
accepted, AMS Contemporary Mathematics, 2022.
- Radar Cross Section Reduction of an Arbitrary Object Using a Resistor-Loaded Patch
(with D. Jackson and Vani Vellanki), (pdf),
USRI Radio science letters, vol 3, id. 50, 2021.
- Feasibility analysis for active near/far field acoustic pattern synthesis
in free space and shallow water environments (with N. Egarguin, C. Qi, J. Chen), (pdf),
Acta Acustica, vol 5. Issue 39., 2021.
- Active manipulation of Helmholtz scalar fields in an ocean of two homogeneous layers of constant depth
(with N. Egarguin, C. Qi, J. Chen), (pdf),
Inv. Prob. Scinece and Engineering, vol.29, Iss. 13, 2021.
- Active manipulation of Helmholtz scalar fields: near-field synthesis with directional far-field control
(with N. Egarguin, C. Qi, J. Chen), (pdf),
Inverse Problems 36, 095005, 2020.
- Active Radar Cross Section Reduction of an Object Using Microstrip Antennas
(with S. Sengupta, D. Jackson, H. Council), (pdf),
Radio Science, vol 55, issue 2, 2020.
- Active manipulation of exterior electromagnetic fields by using surface sources
(with N. Egarguin and E. Platt), (pdf),
Quarterly of Appl. Math.,, Article electronically published on January 22, 2020
- Active control of Helmholtz fields in 3D using an array of sources
(N. Egarguin, S. Zeng and J. Chen), (pdf),
Wave Motion 94 (2020) 102523
- Vibration Suppression and Defect Detection Schemes in 1D Linear
Spring-Mass Systems(with with N. Egarguin, T. Meklachi and N. Harari), (pdf),
Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, DOI:, 2019
- Sensitivity analysis for the active manipulation of
Helmholtz fields in 3D(with E. Platt and N. Egarguin), (pdf),
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/17415977.2018.1555248, 2018
- On the synthesis of acoustic sources with controllable near
fields (with E. Platt), (pdf), Wave Motion, Vol. 77, pp 12-27, 2018
- Reduction of radar Cross Section Using Active Microstrip Antenna Elements (with S. Sengupta, D. Jackson, H. Council), (pdf),
IEEE Xplore, 19 October 2017, USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), 2017
- On the active manipulation of EM fields in open waveguides (with R. Albanese), (pdf),
Wave Motion, Vol. 69, 91–107, 2017
- Sensitivity Analysis for Active Control of the Helmholtz Equation (with M. Hubenthal) (pdf), Applied Numerical Mathematics, Iss. 106, 1–23, 2016
- Active manipulation of fields modeled by the Helmholtz equation, (pdf), Journal Of Integral Equations and Applications,
Volume 26, Number 4, Winter 2014.
- On the active manipulation of fields and applications. The quasistatic case (pdf),
Inverse Problems, Volume 28, Number 10, 2012.
- Mathematical analysis of the active exterior cloak for 2D quasistatic electromagnetics (pdf) (with F. Guevara-Vasquez, G.W. Milton),
Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp 231-246, September 2012.
- Transformation elastodynamics and active exterior acoustic cloaking (with F. Guevara-Vasquez, G.W. Milton, P. Seppecher),
Acoustic Metamaterials, Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 166, pp 289-318, 2012.
- Exterior cloaking with active sources in two dimensional acoustics (pdf), (with F. Guevara-Vasquez, G.W. Milton),
Wave Motion Vol. 48, Iss. 6, pp. 515-524, 2011.
- Cloaking via change of variables for Helmholtz equation in the case of fixed frequency, (pdf),
(with R. V. Kohn, M. Vogelius, M. Weinstein), CPAM, vol. 63, Issue 8, 973 – 1016, 2010.
- Broadband exterior cloaking, (pdf),
(with F. Guevara-Vasquez, G.W. Milton), Optics Express, Vol. 17, Issue 17, 14800-14805, 2009.
- Active exterior cloaking, (pdf), (with F. Guevara-Vasquez, G. W. Milton),
Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 073901, 2009.
Multiscale analysis for novel materials and applications
- Exact relations for Green’s functions in linear PDE and boundary field equalities: a generalization of conservation laws(pdf)
(with G.W. Milton)Res Math Sci (2019) 6: 19.
- Energy Accumulation in a Functionally Graded Spatial -Temporal Checkerboard (pdf)
(with K. Lurie, S. Weekes, V. Yakovlev, W. Sanguinet) accepted in IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, Iss 99. January 2017
- Anomalous Localized Resonance Phenomena in Resonance Nonmagnetic, Finite-Frequency Regime (pdf)
(with A. Thaler), Advances in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2016, Article ID 4156072, 28 pages
- On the sensitivity of annomalous localized ressonance phenomena with respect to dissipation (pdf)
(with G.W. Milton, A. Thaler, T. Mclachi, G. Funchess), Quart. Appl. Math. 74, 201-234, 2016
- Engineering anisotropy to amplify a long wavelength field without a limit (pdf), (with Liping Liu),
Proc. R. Soc. A 8, vol. 469, no. 2159, November 2013
- Complete characterization and synthesis of the response function of elastodynamic networks, (pdf)
(with G. W. Milton and F. Guevara-Vasquez), Journal of Elasticity, vol 102, iss. 1, pp. 31 - 54, 2011.
- Mathematical analysis of
waves propagation through a rectangular material structure in space - time,(pdf)
(with K. Lurie and S. Weekes) Jour. Math. Anal. Appl., 355(1), 15, 2009
Homogenization theory
- On the approximate controllability of parabolic problems with non-smooth coefficients,
(pdf), (with P. Donato and E. Jose),
Asymptotic Analysis, vol pre-press, pp. 1-8, 2020
- Asymptotic analysis of a multiscale parabolic problem with a rough fast oscillating interface,
(pdf), (with P. Donato and E. Jose),
Arch. Appl. Mech.,, 2018.
- Asymptotic analysis of second-order boundary layer correctors, (pdf), (with B. Vernescu),
Applicable Analysis, Vol. 91, Iss. 6, 2012.
- The Periodic
Unfolding Method for perforated domains and Neumann sieve models,(pdf),
(with D. Cioranescu, A. Damlamian and G.Griso) Jour. Math. Pures et Appl., 2008.
- Error estimates for periodic
homogenization with non-smooth coefficients,
(with B. Vernescu) Asymptotic Anal., 54, 103-123, 2007.
- The Unfolding operator near a hyperplane and its application
to the Neumann sieve model,(pdf) Adv. in Math. Sci. and Appl., vol 16, No. 1, 2006, pp. 239-258
- Gamma-convergence for a fault
model with slip weakening friction law and periodic barriers,(pdf)
(with B. Vernescu),Quarterly of Appl. Math., vol. LXII, 4, 747-778, 2005.
- Asymptotic analysis of a spectral problem
associated with the Neumann sieve(pdf)
(with B. Vernescu),Journal of Anal. and
Appl., vol. 1, 2005, pp. 69-87.
- G-convergence results for some spectral
problems associated to the Neumann sieve and their applications
(with B. Vernescu),GAKUTO Int. Ser., Math. Sci. Appl., Vol. 24, 2005, pp. 249-